OData Transformer 🦋

We will transmit your OData definition to our API backend, but we will never store your OData Definition.

Optionally override the scheme in your definition to a custom one.
Optionally override the host in your definition to a custom one.
Optionally override the base path in your definition to a custom one.
OpenAPI3 Feature switches to cater for consumer connector requirements (e.g. Microsoft PowerAutomate).

We will transmit your OData definition to our API backend, but we will never store your OData Definition.

▶️Getting started with Kiota

Optionally override the scheme in your definition to a custom one.
Optionally override the host in your definition to a custom one.
Optionally override the base path in your definition to a custom one.
Feature switches to cater for consumer connector requirements (e.g. Microsoft PowerAutomate).